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How to Answer “Why Do You Want To Be A Teacher?”



Employers may use this question to determine whether or not you are a committed teaching professional by making use of the information provided.

It is possible to enhance your performance in interviews and increase your chances of being employed as an instructor if you acquire knowledge on how to make an appropriate response to this issue.

If you want to learn more about this interview question and how to respond to it effectively, you should read this post.

Why do people choose the Teaching Profession?

Teaching is a noble profession. People choose it for various purposes. Some people are passionate about sharing knowledge and making a positive impact on students.  Some advantages of doing a  teaching job are the following:

  •  It has a stable schedule timing
  • Teaching also offers salary benefits
  • It also has job security because, with the increasing population, the need for teachers also increases. If you are a good teacher, you do not have a fear of being fired from your job.
  • Teaching also has a financial reward.

Although, teaching is not an easy job. It requires your passion, loyalty, and dedication.

“Why do you want to be a teacher?” is a question that is asked by potential employers.

An employer frequently asks, “Why do you want to be a teacher?” as a result of the following reasons:

to determine whether or not you are dedicated to pursuing a career in education. Even though great instructors have the potential to have a significant influence on their pupils and communities, many educators lack the motivation to educate effectively.

By asking you this question, the interviewer will have the chance to assess your level of dedication to your career and gain a better understanding of how you feel about it.
to find out whether your values are compatible with those of the organization. Every organization has its own distinct views, and the perfect applicant will have values that are compatible with them.

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By asking you this question, the person in charge of recruiting can determine whether or not your values are congruent with those of the organization at large.
so that your communication abilities may be evaluated.

Having the ability to communicate effectively with students, members of the school board, and coworkers is an essential skill for those who work in the teaching profession. Employers may use this question to determine whether or not you have the necessary skills in this area.

How to respond to the question, “Why do you want to be a teacher?” and what not to do.

There are several things that you ought to do or ought not to do while responding to this question, including the following:

  • Do not hesitate to share the personal motivations that led you to choose a career in teaching.
  • In your response, be sure to use language that is clear and succinct.
  • You should be truthful about your choice to pursue a career in teaching.
  • You must make an effort to express your passion for teaching.
  • Be sure to let the person in charge of recruiting know about any credentials you possess that are relevant to the job description.
  • Do not make an effort to impress the person conducting the interview.
  • In the course of your response, avoid distracting the interviewer with body language that is in contradiction with your answer, such as tapping the table.
  • Avoid going off on a tangent and telling the interviewer about something that has nothing to do with the subject that was asked.
  • In your response, you should take care not to bring up any contentious, private, or delicate subjects.

How to respond to the question that is asked during the interview, “Why do you want to be a teacher?”

You may respond to a question about why you want to become a teacher by following the steps outlined in the following process:

  1. Show your dedication to the teaching profession.

During the period leading up to the interview, think about how committed you are to your current position.

Although you are probably aware of the reasons why you want to become a teacher, you must be able to convey this information to the person in charge of recruiting.

To begin, you should provide a written explanation of why you have chosen to become a teacher. You may have one or several reasons for working in the teaching profession.

  1. Inquire about the job requirements that a company has for a teacher.
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It is essential to approach this issue with a strategic mindset because, ideally, you should demonstrate to an employer that the reasons you are interested in teaching are congruent with the job you are seeking and the ideals expressed by the company.

By following the following procedures, you will be able to learn what the employer expects from you:

  1. Examine the job description in detail.
    Create a list of the essential educational credentials as well as the hard skills and soft abilities that are necessary. Establishing the ideals of the organization may be accomplished via the use of the Internet, press releases, newspaper articles, and the job description.
  2. You should choose explanations that are in line with the values of an organization.

Make use of the reasons that you have identified for becoming a teacher, as well as the discoveries that you have made about the employer, to choose reasons that are in line with the direction that the recruiting organization is heading.

The decision to become a teacher may be motivated by a variety of factors, including the desire to give back to one’s community, the desire to enhance the quality of education, the desire to have a real-world influence in the lives of children, and the desire to assist a less privileged sector of children in acquiring information that is considered necessary.

  1. Describe your credentials in a way that is relevant to the job description.

You should ideally express that you are qualified for the position via your replies to all of the interview questions, and you should use your answers to reinforce the message that you are qualified for the job.

You should choose a relevant story or metric that conveys a key ability that is listed in the job advertisement. This should be done based on your previous work experience in the teaching profession.

For instance, if you have achieved a 23% rise in student scores over the previous year while working for your former company as a result of your teaching techniques and the job description calls for a professional who is capable of improving the teaching quality, then you should be sure to highlight this measure in your response.

When it comes to hiring a teacher, what specific qualities are interviewers looking for?

  • Capacity for Instruction:

Having excellent teaching abilities is a must for getting a job as a teacher, which is something that shouldn’t come as a surprise to anybody. An interviewer needs to see how you interact with students and how you teach a lesson efficiently.

  •  Capacity for Data
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Teaching in today’s world requires not just a comprehension of facts but also the ability to learn from both triumphs and failures. This is because of the ever-changing nature of the contemporary world.

  • A QualifiedProfessional Regarding the Subject

If you are going to teach a certain topic, then you had better be an authority on matters pertaining to that topic! There is more to being a good teacher than just being able to effectively teach certain topics.

  •  A member of the team

To be a successful educator, it is essential to have the ability to work well with others. You will need to demonstrate that you are willing to collaborate with a diverse range of individuals.

  • Well-occupied and Held Responsible

The person conducting the interview will want to see evidence that you will be able to keep track of your responsibilities and that you will always be prepared with your lesson plans on time.


It is the preparation that serves as the foundation for a good interview. Even though it is impossible to anticipate the specific questions that the interviewers will ask, it is possible to anticipate the majority of the questions that will be asked of you in the majority of circumstances.

Naturally, there is a very good probability that you will be questioned, “Why do you want to be a teacher?” at some point in your career.

You have a good chance of being able to provide an answer that will please the members of your interview team if you take the time to properly prepare yourself and also make use of the information that you have read in this article.

Despite this, a word of warning. It is important to keep in mind that you are developing a plan for your replies as part of your preparation procedures for the interview.

It is not your intention to attempt to come up with specific replies and then commit them to memory. Therefore, as you are preparing for your interview, you should think about what you want to express in each answer, and you should avoid trying to commit any of your replies to memory.

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