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Top Aldi Interview Questions & Answers



In order to be hired at Aldi, most candidates now have to go through a brief video interview. You won’t interact with anybody from Aldi at this stage of the hiring process. The questions will appear on your computer or mobile device, and you’ll just record your responses.

They ask you to declare your name and the job you are applying for.

There will be a question shown on the screen, and you will have one minute to respond. Your response has been saved.

You’ll learn how to answer the five most common questions (though they do change it up sometimes) in this article (Why Aldi, your motivation, disagreement with a colleague or customer, availability, etc.).

Keep in mind that at this stage of the employment process, they are not expecting a lot from you. The purpose of the video interview is just to confirm that you are a genuine applicant, can communicate well in English, and can articulate clearly why you want to work at Aldi. The trick is to convey enthusiasm while maintaining composure. Respond calmly to their inquiries, and if you still have time, use it to say a little more. After making your point, you patiently wait for the next question to be posed.

It’s also crucial to keep moving on after submitting an incorrect response. Be present right now. It’s possible that you won’t be able to answer one of the questions precisely as you want to. But that’s alright with me since, as I’ve previously said, their standards aren’t very high right now.

Keep your body language upbeat and your mind on the next question; otherwise, the video interview will be over before you know it. Now let’s take a look at the question (these 10 questions are common in both in-person and online video interviews).

What excites you about working at Aldi?


Two Woman in Black Sits on Chair Near Table

In truth, you could care less and only want to work in a shop like Aldi because of the good compensation. As you would expect, this isn’t going to fly in response to this or the other question, “What appeals to you about working for Aldi?”

Find out as much as you can about Aldi and see if there’s anything there that strikes a chord with you. It might be the priority they place on cooperation, the thorough orientation they provide new employees, the health insurance they provide, or the simple declaration that “We exist to offer the best value for our customers.”

At the very least, be sure to mention in your interview that you’re interested in working for a grocery chain with such an ambitious mission. The interview with Aldi will not be the place to let the cat out of the bag and admit that the store’s basic principles are identical to those of the competition.

You might also allude to more mundane explanations. A convenient commute would be if your place of employment was, say, five minutes from your home. Consequently, you made the choice to submit an application. Seven examples of replies are available on the website since this is a frequently asked topic. Look at this: Justify your interest in working at Aldi.

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What kind of employment experience do you have?

There isn’t much of a need for experience, but you still need to show that you won’t be chronically tardy to work and that you can follow simple instructions.

Try to speak favourably about your prior employers. Emphasize the skills you acquired and the responsibilities you had, particularly if they are similar to your everyday responsibilities at Aldi. And if this isn’t your first job application, you should anticipate the inquiry, “Why did you leave your last job?”

Show them that you are ready to learn and not lazy by volunteering for new tasks, even if you have no experience. You need to believe in yourself and your abilities if you want to work at a supermarket. Once you establish your self-assurance, the recruiting managers will feel the same way about you. The inverse is also true, however.

How familiar are you with Aldi?

The interview process is not like learning about the past or taking a test. You may show that you aren’t completely clueless by mentioning that Aldi is present in over 20 countries and has been around since 1961, but you should steer the conversation elsewhere in your response.

Discuss Aldi from the viewpoints of both a shopper and a worker.

Is their produce section more extensive than that of similar establishments in the area? How is the bar’s drink menu, by the way? Does Aldi include any regional goods in its stores? And do they offer better or worse pricing for the groceries? The response to the question “What do you know about Aldi?” should centre on these specifics.

Then you go on to talk about how handicapped-accessible the businesses are, how nice the restrooms are, how many parking spots are nearby, etc. You may also discuss Aldi from the inside, as an employee; ideally, you’ll find something positive to say about the organization.

  • A Fair System of Compensation and Advantages for Workers
  • Superior Instructional Design
  • Shift Schedules That May Be Adjusted
  • Anything Else, Positive or Negative, That You’ve Heard from Other Workers.
  • Supermarket’s Wide Selection of Produce


In your opinion, what makes for great customer service?

Man With Headphones Facing Computer Monitor

Aldi, like most other stores, places a premium on satisfying its customers. You may define such a service in numerous ways. A consumer may be said to have had a positive experience, for instance, if they were treated with kindness and consideration from the minute they walked into the shop until the moment they left.

You may also notify your customers about the store’s amenities (such as baggage lockers, restrooms, an information desk, and an ATM) and how easily they can locate the products they need.

You should emphasize to the interviewers that after you learn what constitutes good customer service during your training with Aldi, you will be delighted to provide it to each and every client.

For more examples of how to respond to the “What is your definition of outstanding customer service?” question, check out the dedicated post we’ve put together. If you want to double-check your answer, take a look.

This is a really mundane task. To what end will you drive yourself to succeed in this position?

Saying that you want inspiration from above is the worst conceivable response. Interviewers at Aldi are well aware that such attempts at motivation are certain to fail in the long term. A decent response, however, is within your reach.

One of the accusations is that you enjoy routine work. You’re not the most original person in the world (if you were, you wouldn’t be applying for this position). You thrive in situations where you have clear direction and are able to follow it without having to use too much of your brain power to accomplish the job at hand.

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You might also bring up the concept of collaboration with your fellow Aldi employees. You value your place on the team and would hate to let the others down by doing poorly. And you know that the two of you will have a good time and motivate one another in your endeavours. This is a reasonable response, considering the value Aldi places on collaboration.

Do you mind working 12-hour shifts or working on the weekends?

Working at a supermarket has its disadvantages, since most stores stay open 24 hours a day. You and your coworkers will switch off weekends doing this.

You should demonstrate in an interview that you are willing to give up one or two weekends a month to work so that your coworkers may spend time with their families. They will undoubtedly return the Favor on one of the subsequent Saturdays.

When discussing 10-, 12-, or even 14-hour shifts, it’s important to reassure recruiting managers that you can maintain attention and productivity for the duration of your shift. You’ve studied the posting well and understand what’s required of you.

How would you handle an unwilling, aggressive client?

To begin, you might reassure the interviewers that you understand that Aldi attracts a diverse client base and that not all customers will behave politely toward you or your coworkers.

You promise to be polite to patrons at all times and avoid confrontations with them. You may expand on the various categories of clients mentioned in the question if you choose.

You will make an attempt to comprehend the customer’s frustration and use your good nature and persistence to appease them while you work to resolve their issue.

When dealing with a basic individual, you will be patient beyond belief as you patiently answer their inquiries over and over again.

You may protect yourself, other customers, and employees from the belligerent client by reporting them to the closest security guard.

And if a client is being recalcitrant, you’ll treat them with respect while still trying to figure out why they’re being so difficult to work with.

What would you do if you did not agree with the viewpoint of your supervisor?

It’s a good question to test your mettle, since it’s one of the few that could pertain to Aldi’s business style and work atmosphere. In the store, you are expected to obey superiors and fall in line with the established chain of command.

Aldi, on the other hand, works hard to provide superior service to its customers and respect for its personnel. You should let someone know if you believe anything is unfair to customers or employees, or if you think it might be done better.

Respond that you would want to speak with a supervisor if given the chance. You’d give them an explanation for your position and your logic. You wouldn’t mind talking to the shop manager if they were clueless. After you’ve given them your thoughts and opinions, however, you’ll ultimately allow them to make the call and Honor whatever they decide.

As a general rule, you should respect your superiors and their authority to make choices while also feeling obligated to voice your own viewpoint (for the sake of making things better for customers and workers).
You overheard two coworkers speculating about a customer that wasn’t true. Your move, please.

You should pretend you don’t care about it and keep working. There will always be rumours floating about the water cooler at any given workplace. You’d rather stay out of it, and you certainly don’t spread rumours about your coworkers.

It is not your responsibility to deal with coworkers who squander time with meaningless chatter. You want to maintain cordial connections with your coworkers and have no intention of spreading rumours about anybody, but you cannot be responsible for the actions of others.

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Do you have anything else you’d like to say or any questions after reading this interview?

It is not required that you ask any questions. If your interview went well and you get a good vibe from the meeting with the management, you might simply thank them for their time and wish them good luck. Alternately, you may reaffirm your interest in working with Aldi and reassure them that you are still enthusiastic about the position, despite the interview’s hiccups.

If you feel like asking anything, here are a few decent ones to consider:

  • When will I hear back from the hiring team with the following steps? I’d want to be employed, so I was wondering if there was anything more, I could do.
  • When are you planning to make your choice public?
  • Could you elaborate on the shift schedules (training program, etc.)?


Dressing for success in an Aldi interview

Simplify as much as possible. Wear the same thing you would wear to work, if possible. Jeans (or slacks) and a shirt are appropriate attire for a retail sales associate, cashier, or similar position, so long as they are clean and you feel confident in them.

Dress more formally while applying for a management post, with ladies wearing skirts and blouses and males wearing suits and ties. Interview outfit recommendations will inform you a little more, if you still aren’t sure. The clothing you wear is seldom the focus of attention in this place. Instead of spending their time studying for the questions, some individuals spend a full day agonizing about what to wear to their Aldi interview. My sincere wish is that you would not repeat my error.

What’s the deal with Aldi’s group interviews?

Aldi may conduct group interviews with as many as 10 candidates at once.

Applicants are required to submit a written application that includes basic contact information as well as written responses to certain questions that would typically be asked in a one-on-one meeting.

In little more than a couple of minutes, each candidate presents themselves. This stage might be difficult for those who are uncomfortable talking to a room full of strangers.
Based on your introduction, tour (during which you should attempt to ask questions if you find something intriguing), and written responses, you may be asked to come in for an in-person interview the same day.

Keep in mind that Aldi prefers to do interviews in groups rather than individually so that they may better use their time and resources. You are not competing with other applicants for the interview. They may as well just send the group home without compensating anybody for their time.

Therefore, it is essential to pay attention to your own application. Don’t stress yourself out about coming up with a clever opening line or wondering whether anybody else has done a better job. In a group interview, you are not competing with the other candidates. Just do your best and respond to the questions as you study this article to assist you.


Store associate, caretaker, and assistant store manager interviews at Aldi are among the least difficult types of employment interviews. Neither the number of applicants nor the difficulty of the interview questions are likely to be high. Due to the company’s expansion into new markets and the high rate of staff turnover, Aldi is virtually constantly looking to fill positions. Interviews on video are also often used.

This implies that as long as you show some passion and excitement in your interview and offer at least reasonable answers to their queries, they will give you a chance and employ you. Take a deep breath, reread this article, and contemplate your responses to the questions. Also, before going in for an interview, do some research on Aldi and stop by as a consumer to get a feel for the place.

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