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Top 20 Authorsa Richard Interview Question And Answers

The interview for an author is very detailed and hence requires the candidate to know the kind of qualities that a well published author might have. These qualities include creativity, storytelling and ability to engage readers. Here are 20 author questions for Richard if thats your name.
Tell us something about your writing background.
Reason: to understand the history and motivation behind writing.
“I have been a professional author for about 4 years. I started with short thriller stories and novellas of the same genre. In the recent 2 years I have expanded my genres from thriller to romance”.
What made you choose to become an author?
Reason: to gauge your passion and motivation for writing.
“I have always been passionate about storytelling and creative writing. Moreover, as a child I had been inspired by many authors such as JK Rowling, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Roald Dahl”.
What is your favorite genre and why?
Reason: to understand whether your expertise aligns with the publisher’s audience.
“My favourite genre is fantasy because it is an open genre and calls for as much creativity as possible. I use different myths and legends that connect with the readers”.
How do you face writer’s block?
Reason: to assess your problem solving and overcoming skills,
“I face a writer’s block by focusing on my tasks and prioritising them. I also take necessary breaks such as going out and listening to music to come up with a few pages in rough drafts”.
What is your writing process?
Reason: to evaluate your work ethic and efficiency.
“My writing process starts with brainstorming for new ideas, researching the trends of the writing industries and coming up with rough drafts of a start of my story.”.
How do you write your characters?
Reason: evaluates your ability to create multidimensional character for compelling story engagement.
“I start my characters by thinking about their names, physical appearance to help the readers focus more visually. Then i develop a strong background, motivation and use realistic situations to create their story”.
Have you ever written books inspired by history?
Reason: gauging your ability to use real events or characters as fiction and make them compelling.
“I have written a book that was inspired by the WW2 timeline and how it affected the lives of the ordinary people who were affected by the war directly”.
At what age did you start writing and why?
Reason: to understand your experience and how you have evolved through time.
“I started writing regularly at the age of 19 when I wrote my first novella of 250 pages. The reason I started writing was because throughout my childhood and teenage,I wanted to become an author to create impactful stories”.
Have you ever had any writing failures?
Reason: to understand your attitude towards failure and motivation to work consistently
“In the beginning I have faced a ton of failures because I had first started writing poetry, then I wrote fan fictions which were not successful at all. That motivated me to stick to writing novellas and short stories which with time became a hit”.
What is the most challenging genre for you?
Reason: to gauge your ability to face adversity during work.
“The most challenging genre for me to write are social issues due to the conflicting nature of opinions. It is hard to make sure that no race, individual or social issue should be written in an insensitive or ignorant way that would cause conflicts”.
How do you handle criticism about your work?
Reason: understanding your level of acceptance and looking to your errors.
“I handle criticism with a very professional approach and read all the comments and reviews to identify the errors so i could improve them”.
What is the biggest challenge of being an author?
Reason: to assess your resilience and awareness of the challenges of your role.
“The biggest challenge of being an author is to stay consistent during hours of slow ideas and being tired. Writing is a tedious task that requires tons of drafts, finalising which would be included and all”.
Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years of being an author?
Reason: to understand your future ambitions of being an author.
“I see myself being a very successful and famous author in the next five years after I work with your organization. Through experience from your support and organization I can make myself successful enough”.
How do you ensure your audience stays engaged?
Reason: to understand your ability to engage audience with your writing style.
“I keep the audience engaged by understanding their preferences and using a writing style and dialogue that keeps them compelled. Additionally, i use hook sentences or open endings to a chapter so that the reader comes for more”.
What marketing strategies do you use for your books?
Reason: to understand how you promote your books to the audience.
“I use different promotional posts on social media and email newsletters. I also engage with readers through webinars, signings and book conventions”.
How do you improve your writing skills?
Reason: to understand your constant improvement in writing.
“I improve my writing skills by reading famous and published authors and rey to understand their way of writing. Moreover, I read blogs related to novel reviews and how writing can be improved”.
How do you handle deadlines?
Reason: to understand your approach to completing work within a deadline.
“I prioritise my projects according to deadlines and their complex nature. Moreover, i use time management tools and schedules to help me stay on track”.
What is your editing process?
Reason: to evaluate your understand of the editing process and producing polished work.
“I collect all my drafts and shortlist them to make it easier. Once, they are shortlisted I reread them to make any necessary changes in wording and grammar to ensure standard work is produced”.
How is being an author rewarding?
Reason: to evaluate your reason of motivation and how it aligns with the organization.
“The most rewarding part of being an author is having your hardcopy in your hand. It gives me a sense of accomplishment for all the long hours of work that I put into the book”.
Why should we invest in publishing your work?
Reason: to evaluate your genuine interest in writing and how it benefits them.
“I have a great sense of deadlines and my writing process is efficient and fulfilling. Moreover, I attract a large number of audience through my writing style and plots which results in the fame of the publisher”.
Whether you want to interview an author or you are an author yourself it is important to know the key qualities of one and how to use those qualities to engage in useful conversation. We hope this guide helped you through your aspects of being an author and how to interview for one.
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