Interview Preps
Top 20 Flight Attendant Interview Questions & Answers

Flight attendants are the most important part of any aeroplane journey. They not only guide the passengers throughout their flight but also keep them safe, attend to their needs and take care of them from the start till the end. A flight attendant candidate needs to keep in mind that they should be communicative, active, patient and alert.
Why do you want to be a flight attendant?
Reason: to assess the reason of your interest in the role.
“I have a passion for customer service and also love travelling. By being a flight attendant both my passions would combine and give me the opportunity to make the best out of my skills.”
How do you define excellent customer service?
Reason: to evaluate your passion and skills for serving customers.
“I define excellent customer service by tending to their needs, being available, attentive and quick to give solutions for their problems”.
How do you handle difficult passengers?
Reason: to assess your skills for difficult situations.
“I would handle difficult passengers by keeping a calm approach and listening to their concerns and needs attentively so that I can come up with a applicable solution”.
How would you deal with a medical emergency during a flight?
Reason: to evaluate your ability for passenger safety and act quickly.
“I would immediately inform the captain and the lead crew members and perform any standard medical assistance and ask for any professional medical help from someone on board while keeping the other passengers calm”.
How do you deal with a passenger who refuses to follow safety rules?
Reason: to assess the ability to enforce safety precautions while staying professional.
“I would emphasise the importance of following the safety rules firmly for the sake of others and the concerning passenger. If violation of rules persists I would inform the lead attendant or captain for further action”.
How do you work in a team to achieve a goal?
Reason: to asses your teamwork skills and how you accomplish goals.
“I work in a team to achieve a goal by setting clear expectations,deadlines and communicate clearly with the team to make sure everyone is on the same page”.
How do you comfort a passenger who is nervous about flying?
Reason: to evaluate your patience and sympathy with passengers.
“I would approach them sympathetically and give them different ways to cope with the fear and suggest them breathing exercises and reading to calm them”.
Why do you want to work for us?
Reason: to evaluate your motivation behind choosing their company for your profession.
“I want to work for your airline because i admire your professional approach to customer service and safety. Moreover, i want to be able to gain as much hands on experience of working in a team which is possible with your airline”.
How do you cope up with stress in a fast paced environment?
Reason: to assess your ability and handling stress.
“I cope up with stress in fast paced environments by staying focused and managing tasks according to their priorities”.
How do you go above and beyond for a passenger?
Reason: to understand your sympathy and behaviour with passengers.
“I personally assist them with their problems and try to approach them calmly and listen to their concerns that makes them feel valued and heard”.
What do you know about us?
Reason: to evaluate your research on the airline.
“I know that your airline has about 50 destinations and there are several premium features such as wifi and high quality meals. Moreover, I am excited to become part of a luxury and well known airline”.
How do you handle conflicts with a crew member?
Reason: to assess your conflict resolution abilities.
“I would handle conflicts by listening to their perspective and trying to understand their concerns while working on a solution where both can compromise”.
How do you handle multiple tasks?
Reason: to assess whether or not you can multi task at once.
“I handle multiple tasks by staying organized and on track with my priority list of tasks. Moreover, i take several measures to avoid work from piling up and keep the work flow smooth”.
How do you deal with a customer complaint about service?
Reason: to understand how you asses feedback from customers.
“I deal with customer complaint by listening to them calmly and keeping an open mind on any criticism or feedback from them so that the areas of concern can be worked on accordingly”.
How do you ensure safety on flights?
Reason: to evaluate your understanding of security protocol during flights.
“I would ensure that the rules are known by all the passengers and conduct check ins for every row of passengers before take off to ensure all rules are followed”.
How do you handle disruptive passengers?
Reason: to evaluate how you deal with disruptie behaviours.
“I handle disruptive passengers by staying calm and confronting them about their behaviour professionally. If things get out of control, i would seek assistance from the lead attendant”.
How do you adapt to situations?
Reason: to assess how adaptable you are.
“I adapt to sudden situations very quickly due to my fast learning and attention to detail. I am able to devise solutions almost immediately for any situation by staying calm and approaching it with a calculating strategy”.
How do you stay positive during busy shifts?
Reason: to evaluate your level of interest and patience during long flights.
“I stay positive during long hours of flying by keeping myself busy with tasks, serving customers and additionally make time for relaxing for a while to keep myself from burning out”.
How do you deal with a passenger who lost a connection due to delay?
Reason: to understand your problem solving for customer.
“I would assist them and try to accommodate them within the next available flight and remain sympathetic and understanding towards them”.
Do you have any questions for us?
Reason: to evaluate your genuine interest in the role and their airline.
“Yes! How does your airline facilitate crew members and what are the incentives career wise that I might get here?”.
Being a flight attendant is a tough and demanding job physically and mentally. Whether you’re an interviewer or a candidate, this article will provide you with an in depth outlook into a flight attendant’s role.
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